Saturday, November 10, 2012

The Revolution Will Not Be Televised!


“If for no other reason, it only makes financial sense for both Senomyx and their collaborators to avoid a substantial loss of potential market,” Vinnedge said. “Senomyx needs to stop using the aborted fetal cell lines entirely and we will continue to pressure them to do so.”


 "The revolution will not be televised!, The revolution will not be televised!" lyrics written in 1974 are very consistent with the times now in 2012. What we must began to take notice of is the revolution starting with the people detaching themselves from the dangers we face daily by consumption or just breathing . The group The Last Poets allows the listener to become more aware of their surroundings, take their words into reflection, and allow the statements to become an consistent reminder of what you may witness in your day to day struggle for liberation.
Let's examine what revolution really is! Other than an act of overturning the government by a group of people, usually deprived of life, liberty and pursuit of happiness, revolution in scientific theory takes you into a profound contemplation to completely get the just of what time lapse we are really in. Of course there's the other meaning, like the Copernican Revolution, or the Neo-Darwinian revolution. Revolution being an development in science that fundamentally and permanently changes the course of it's particular field due to having such a far reaching impact. It's something that reaches beyond abstract details of esoteric interest and influences philosophy and society as a whole. When it's all said and done we as a people have been through so many cycles of being hypnotised, controlled, and lead astray from the correct way to live for so long, that we have become accustomed to do the unethical.
We are in a revolution! We have been in an continual revolution! Our daily way of life has become an repetition and we are not noticing the ills we are being subjected to . We have been running in a circle(cycle) of chaos. When is enough enough? I suggest the time is now! Making the choice of stepping out of the circle and changing the direction of our destiny is central.

In order to disengage from the systematic cycle, people must become aware of the environment they are living in. Living in this illusion painted for you must be wiped away and new eyes must regain the mind power to view all realms of life for what they truly are. The first objective, since eating and drinking are essential to life, looking at these food labels and research what these mysterious ingredients really are ?! Innerstanding what these additives are allows a person make a sound decision on removing her/himself from this revolution of being a test dummy. HEK 293 is/was a flavor enhancer used by Pepsi. Many protesters came to boycott Pepsi for using this in their products due to the fact the Bio tech company Pepsi was partnered with was using cell lines from aborted babies in food enhancing testing! HEK 293 is human kidney embryonic kidney cells taken from an elective aborted baby to produce those receptors. Are the corporations secretly trying to turn us into cannibals, alter our genes, or annihilate us? Or is the answer all three?

Being lazed and just doing things for the heck of it has to be erased from the new found reality. Going back to knowing what your are putting in your temple is key! You only get one body ,so you must appreciate and take care of your self. Discrete knowledge of extra additives in food, such as High fructose corn syrup, engineered from genetically modified corn, not from mother Earth, being in literally every item you touch, is vital to your health. GMO foods have hit our grocery store/local stores head on and at times there is no hiding. Along with a chemical use for the same reasons as HFC, being a sweetener, Aspartame is another additive that is harmful to your health. Damage of the nervous system(brain, spinal cord) can occur when consuming large amounts on a daily basis. So, for all you soda or pop drinkers please beware because all sodas have this venom. When dealing with over all health, sweeteners is one entity that must be avoided, especially counterfeit sugar! We wonder why we are dealing with so many dis-eases in our community ranging from high blood pressure, diabetes and obesity. You are what you eat, think, and drink!

If you'd like to avoid aspartame, please keep in mind that it's a common ingredient in many packaged foods and beverages, particularly those that are marketed as being sugar-free or low in calories. Examples include sugar-free or low calorie:
  • Yogurt
  • Chewing gum
  • Soft drinks
  • Cookies and candy bars that are made for diabetics
  • Frozen desserts
  • Artificial sweeteners
  • Cough candies, drops, and syrups
  • Chewable vitamins

Through out this year many have stood up for the rights of ethical and moral concern when findings of aborted fetus cells being tested on foods, or even additives that are GMO. Such as Oklahoma state senator Ralph Shortey, attempting to get bill S.B. 1418 passed in the senate, which would ban the sale of any products that contain flavor chemicals derived from human fetal tissue. After reading articles obtaining information of the use of aborted cells in foods and anti-abortion groups boycotting assisted Senator Shortey in making this stand. Along with many pro life groups massive worldwide boycotts have gone on to attempt to stop companies from using aborted embryonic cells.

The time to make positive change in your life is critical not only for your existence, but our survival as humans! Live foods from our mother Earth is what is essential for longevity. The many are beginning to stand up and take their lives and families into their own hands. Taking responsibility checking what you are feeding your babies and young children. Its imperative that our communities know the dangers of food and make sound decisions when nurturing themselves and loved ones. Risking your health for a sweet treat can cause you your life. So lets look with our thoughts before we look with our eyes. Make your decision the conscious one!


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Sunday, October 14, 2012

When You Know Better! You Do Better!

 "According to the report, obtained by The Associated Press, one of the suspect chemicals, quaternium-15, is a preservative that kills bacteria by releasing formaldehyde. Formaldehyde, used as a disinfectant and embalming fluid, was declared a known human carcinogen this past June by the U.S. National Toxicology Program. Formaldehyde also is a skin, eye and respiratory irritant."

 In today's world we have become mass consumers due to the system of capitalism . Spending money, evaluating your wants/ needs, has become an everyday habit in the lives of many. Taking into consideration the fluctuating economic statics that we are given everyday, 7.8% unemployment rate, the GDP being at 15.09 trillion,  the populous must quickly become more conscientious of what they exchange their notes for. The key to being a conscious consumer is that we must began to know what we are spending our money on and what its significance is in our life. Instinctively ignoring the products we are purchasing,  rather it be food, clothing, cleaning agents, or bath and body products can bring not only harm to you physically but mentally as well .
One thing that may slip our minds in the frenzy of buying is asking ourselves the questions  "What chemicals  are in these products" or "Are these products safe for my family".The products that we allow to enter our homes or  touch the most important organ the SKIN is something we must seriously take into consideration when using our purchasing power! Taking care of ourselves is very important not only for continual survival of self, but to provide a safe environment for our children to survive in. Exposing ourselves to toxic chemical ingredients causes immunotoxicity in the body. As the nurturers of our families we must take the route of researching alternatives and avoiding the price of sickness(doctors bills, doctors visit $$). Prevention is vital to eliminating dis-ease out of our existence. The discussion and findings of these chemicals are necessary to be able to live healthy and obtain longevity.
Freedom to choose. Freedom of expression. Yes, we know our constitutional rights, but when do we use our Mental Freedom to safeguard our families from entities that will cause harm or even death. Being that a substance such as Quaternium 15 is found in lip gloss, mascara, facial cleansers, eye shadows, and mainly baby shampoo should cause a person to second guess a lot of the products that are used daily. Effects of these chemicals on the human body have been shown to cause multiple health illnesses even worst cancer.
With the rise of continual labeling in our community, ADHD/ADD/Autism, especially of our children, the on slot of confusion and bewilderment has become an unwanted position for many parents to be in. When making decision on what is preeminent for dealing with these dis-eases we must contemplate  the well being of our children . So, if the children come first, having knowledge of certain chemicals or even drugs should be put in the psych of parents to know what is the BEST product or vitamin for you and your child to ingest. You only get one body, using your knowledge is your weapon to tear down the veil of pacifism.  Such as, another chemical found in baby shampoo 1,4-dioxane, is considered a likely carcinogen. It's a byproduct of a process for making chemicals more soluble and gentler on the skin. Opening the eyes and observing the  findings forces the responsibility on parents to fix the problem and just not patch it up. Taking advantage of freedoms we take for granted must subside if we want to become free.
"The thought has prevailed, until recently, that if a product is available on the store shelf, it is safe; however, many people have found, through painful experiences, that this fact is not true. Most toxic products are not required to list ingredients. However, most natural products DO list ingredients because they are harmless." Knowledge is power. Knowing the product that you have in your hand and reading label is the first step in taking control. A safer, healthier, conscious lifestyle is what is needed to avoid harm to you and your loved ones! Take advantage of the facts because when you know better you do better.